Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tears from Torquemada.

Race is both Mr. Obama's sword and shield.

To all "right" thinking liberals the worst crime at this point in time is "intolerance" .
Even NAMBLA is defended!!!!!!!

But be seen as "Intolerant" and you are a monster, the sort that pushed people into ovens.

Anyone under 30 has been told this since they were born by Hollywood, TV and school.

They don't KNOW anything else..ANY OTHER view is SINFUL/ hate mongering.

There is little or NO freedom of speech in school from k to grad.
Write a paper about Hitler's fine war record in WW l and see how fast you fail the class.
Hell, defend the old proud principle of majority rule and you will be not asked but told to leave.
The folks, sadly having to show you the door, will truly be upset, to see such a "fine mind" twisted by bigotry and wasted.

Tears from Torquemada.

Whites have reached the point where they seek to be seen as black or red or brown, Mexican, Japanese..anything but white and American.

WHY do you thinK that is??????????????????????????????
Because white Americans are portrayed as evil, weak, sad, stupid losers and the kids, naturalLY want to be on the winning side.

It is going to take a "Great Awakening" or a major blunder by Mr. Obama to set things right.

So until Leftists programs start hitting people in the wallet, he is Golden and even then, he will be given a lot more leeway than anyone else.

Unless, oh, horrors, Mr. Obama should have his moment of awakening and become an American Nationalist.

Then would the elite and media turn on him.

Because you see "Race" is a game, a scam being run on the soft hearted by the left.

Think I am wrong?
See just how fast a Keyes or Thomas gets torn to the "tolerant" set.

The goal is: Undermine American values, bore away from within, then watch the structure fall and re-build the "just society" with, of course, the "Best people" at the helm.


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