Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The basic problem with universal suffrage

The basic problem with universal suffrage is that sooner or later the people learn that they can VOTE for goodies (programs) from the public purse and get them.

Look at the history of Athens or Rome.

Human nature being what it is, the practice sooner or later kills the body politic.
That is why our Constitution forbade income tax and the states required that one own property or pay a poll tax to vote.( Poll tax had nothing to do with race, despite what soon newer "Social Studies" books say)

The federal government, you see, ran itself, on import duties, the sale of public lands, or to a small degree bonds. In the states tax was based mostly on land owner ship.

So the idea was, if only land owners would be taxed only landowners should vote on tax.

Once the "progressives' reformed that the nation was in deep trouble.

As the Romans learned to their cost, once that illness affects the state, it may be contained, but it is never cured.

Still, there was a time when our fathers would have struck a person offering them a "handout".

Our generation believed that it was cool to "rip off the system" You see what our nation has sunk to??

Without that pride.. the pride of the freeman, we all line up with out hands out and so falls the republic.

Wonder who our Ceaser will be???

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