Monday, August 24, 2009

The war in Afghanistan..when are we going to learn???

The war in Afghanistan..when are we going to learn???

Well, it seems that the war is heating up.

More troops and money are needed.

Europe as a whole is of little help and the Taliban is back.

You know I seem to recall a story.

When the Northern Alliance defeated the Taliban back in 2003, they had the habit of killing captured Taliban.

Well, the Brits and Americans in our superior moral wisdom made them stop.

One old fella was reported to have tried to explain. "These are the Taliban, if we don't kill them now, they will be back in 5 years killing us."

Of course, we would not listen, what the heck, did a mob of Afghans Know?

They had never been to the best schools or had no degrees.

It may have been their land BUT we had studied it at the best schools.

Looks like that ole hillman was right.

Gee he actually understood his own country better then we did.

Now the kids are going to pay the butcher bill.


Monday, August 17, 2009

"Racer" is a karl word. It means a pol who uses race as a means to gain power.

To a racer EVERYTHING is about race, or the power that can be gained by exploiting the weakling's white guilt.

"Racer" is a karl word. It means a pol who uses race as a means to gain power.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

The enduring social war

The civil war , perhaps, I should say, social war that started in the 60's between the left and the right is still being waged and we still HATE each other.

I suspect it will rage till the "Boomers" are gone.

Perhaps the kids or grand-kids whose, souls are not touched with fire, if I may misquote Holmes, can make peace and unify.

There is precedent: The era of Good Feeling following 1812 and to some degree the reuniting of the nation although with lingering bad feeling, some still here.after the Civil War.


Friday, August 14, 2009

America is the New Promised Land

As I see it America is the New Promised Land and Americans God's True Chosen People.

We owe nothing to the Israelis but they on the other hand owe their national life to us.

I don't fault them for putting the interests of their nation first but I do, as a nationalist and in justice, claim the right for America to do the same.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reagan on health care...the foot in the door.

Reagan on health care...the foot in the door.

I am sending more E-mails in the morning.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Free health care is coming and a lot more.

Fellas.Free health care is coming and a lot more.
I know the "liberal" members my generation the " lefty Boomers" WILL get their "Needs" met.
Free Health care
Free college for the kids
Guaranteed lifetime employment "at a meaningful job"
3 day work week
Vacation with pay to free resorts 4 times a year.
Free utilities
Pay for it?

Pay for it?
Tax "the Man" (the rich running dog of the warmongering Wall St plutocrats.)

Spend on people NOT Bombs!!!!Just wishing WILL make it so!!!!!!
Power and a good life to the people.

P.S. "The Man" is anyone making more than you. : )

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The (*&^&*((())) closed my rifle range

Fellas. I have been going to the Inland Fish and Game range for over 20 years.

During the last wave of "Improvement" developers built a school and home developments, in what had been desert.

"Can't have people shooting, the noise..the Guns...the environment..the children"


The __)(*&^ tried to close us a few years ago and failed ...but money talks

We got the Axe.

There is another range back in the hills but the only good one left is at Prado 2 hours away!!!!!!!!!

That is it for me, the value of the house dropped from 325 to 150...Two years and I am heading South.

I will be the guy at the range saying " y'all come back" a Brooklyn accent.

This was once a good state and compared to New York, freedom hall, now..I may as well be back in Manhattan.

At least the Pizza and bread was good and there were lots of book stores and museums.

Without a range this place is a wasteland.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The basic problem with universal suffrage

The basic problem with universal suffrage is that sooner or later the people learn that they can VOTE for goodies (programs) from the public purse and get them.

Look at the history of Athens or Rome.

Human nature being what it is, the practice sooner or later kills the body politic.
That is why our Constitution forbade income tax and the states required that one own property or pay a poll tax to vote.( Poll tax had nothing to do with race, despite what soon newer "Social Studies" books say)

The federal government, you see, ran itself, on import duties, the sale of public lands, or to a small degree bonds. In the states tax was based mostly on land owner ship.

So the idea was, if only land owners would be taxed only landowners should vote on tax.

Once the "progressives' reformed that the nation was in deep trouble.

As the Romans learned to their cost, once that illness affects the state, it may be contained, but it is never cured.

Still, there was a time when our fathers would have struck a person offering them a "handout".

Our generation believed that it was cool to "rip off the system" You see what our nation has sunk to??

Without that pride.. the pride of the freeman, we all line up with out hands out and so falls the republic.

Wonder who our Ceaser will be???

Monday, August 3, 2009

Music to march to

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tears from Torquemada.

Race is both Mr. Obama's sword and shield.

To all "right" thinking liberals the worst crime at this point in time is "intolerance" .
Even NAMBLA is defended!!!!!!!

But be seen as "Intolerant" and you are a monster, the sort that pushed people into ovens.

Anyone under 30 has been told this since they were born by Hollywood, TV and school.

They don't KNOW anything else..ANY OTHER view is SINFUL/ hate mongering.

There is little or NO freedom of speech in school from k to grad.
Write a paper about Hitler's fine war record in WW l and see how fast you fail the class.
Hell, defend the old proud principle of majority rule and you will be not asked but told to leave.
The folks, sadly having to show you the door, will truly be upset, to see such a "fine mind" twisted by bigotry and wasted.

Tears from Torquemada.

Whites have reached the point where they seek to be seen as black or red or brown, Mexican, Japanese..anything but white and American.

WHY do you thinK that is??????????????????????????????
Because white Americans are portrayed as evil, weak, sad, stupid losers and the kids, naturalLY want to be on the winning side.

It is going to take a "Great Awakening" or a major blunder by Mr. Obama to set things right.

So until Leftists programs start hitting people in the wallet, he is Golden and even then, he will be given a lot more leeway than anyone else.

Unless, oh, horrors, Mr. Obama should have his moment of awakening and become an American Nationalist.

Then would the elite and media turn on him.

Because you see "Race" is a game, a scam being run on the soft hearted by the left.

Think I am wrong?
See just how fast a Keyes or Thomas gets torn to the "tolerant" set.

The goal is: Undermine American values, bore away from within, then watch the structure fall and re-build the "just society" with, of course, the "Best people" at the helm.
