Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well, have fun while you can, dear Euro-progressives:

Europe did not give Mr. Obama the games.
In some circles that may have seemed "racist" can't have that.
So in order to prove, once again, their superiority to "cowboy" racist, nationalist, Americans.
they recognize Mr. Obama, Personally, with the Nobel.

Well, have fun while you can, dear Euro-progressives:

The Bear is back and starting to hunt,
Our German friends starting to renounce "guilt" and tell the EU that Germany is an Independent state.

Your populations are getting older and the welfare state is getting a tad espenxive...even with all the money you save by hiding behind America's shield.

The Moors are having a lot of babies....

Next time you call...leave a massage..



At one point Europe had huge navies and 100's of Divisions and ten's of thousands of guns, tanks, and planes at the cost of Billions

The promise of American Defense allowed Europe to shift those billions to pay for the Welfare state.

If we stay home and pursue the policy of Washington, things should get real interesting in Europe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The world has gone mad.


The world is mad.

The Army got in a firefight and lost 4 guys and the "WHOLE" Strategy of the war has to be reconfigured?????????

The Army beat back a attack by 200 Tali ban, so instead of giving the troops some beer a "well done" and some R&R.

we need a Dr. Phil moment??????

The only mistake I read in that "report" was allowing the locals to have ANY say in where the troops set up and dug in.

Aside from that..

This is war and people do get killed..either accept that and put in enough massive force to win or go home.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Now the UN reports that we are gonna die of swine flu.

That is, if the raising ocean levels don't get us

or global warming.

2012 may do us in or bad food

A rock from space may seal our fate

The banks may fail and doom us all

aids is on the rise, still must not the old bath house.

terrorists may bomb us, memo: no profiling please.

the "bad" air make make us sneeze


ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be very afraid

I,for one,am tried of this and the fear mongers can kiss my hairy azz.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Truth IS what the STATE tells you it is..any questions???

Karl raising his hand: "Please sir, I have a question?"
Teacher Rangle: " Yes, young karl?"
Karl: "Teacher as I understand it only white people can be racist?"
Teacher Rangle: "Very true, young Karl, Since racism is defined as the misuse of power and only whites have power only whites can be racist".
Karl: "Well sir, Alan Keyes is opposed to Obamacare and Mr.Keyes is black so how can he be a "racist"?
Teacher Rangle:"Poor folks like that have been so confused by "the Man" that they have a white mind and so can be racist".
Karl: "Please sir, if a white person supports Mr. Obama can he have a "black mind" and not be racist??
Teacher Rangle: "Yes my boy".
Karl: "Sir, then who decides right from wrong? or black from white"?
Teacher Rangle: "Why the state my boy who else?"

TIME from the "Twilight zone".

All of the well washed students are sitting in rows...sound of singing and marching from the school yard..

Herr Teacher?
Ya..Young Karl? "Sir, Willie Goldberb is absent from school, shall we make a "get well card" for him"?
Teacher; "Nine. Young Karl. The Goldberbs have been "sent for" as foes of the state".
Herr Teacher, "Pease Herr Teacher, are not foes of the state, people who hate the state"?
Teacher: "That is so young karl".
Karl: "but sir, Willie's Vater won the Iron Cross and never left the front for four years in the World War, how can he hate the state"?
Teacher: "Hating the state depends not on what one does but on WHY one does it."
Young Karl: "So a person who never went to the front may be MORE loyal to the state than a traitor who did"?
Teacher: "Very good young karl".
Karl: "Please sir. who decides if a person is loyal to the state or not or not'?
Teacher: "Why the state of course, young karl".

Same old song just difference lyrics.



Van Jones Just Stepped Down!!


I agree, Mr. Johnson will still be paid but from another account.
But the important point as I see it, is that is is getting harder for a pol to hide behind race and that is a good thing.

The issue is not Mr.Obama, he is but, they hope, the radicals poster boy who got them the White House and some seats in Congress, what matters to the left is the "program" and the more the American people find out about the "program" the harder it is to pass because many in the Congress KNOW that supporting the "program" will cost them their seat in 2010.
While many of the hard core radicals are willing even eager for martyrdom most of the Dems in congress are not and the American people are putting a lot of heat on them.
In short as long as Mr. Obama is seen as useful the radical left will support him, but if he cannot deliver...
He would be far safer going to dinner at Newt's house than Nancy's.

Now IF Mr. Obama throws the radicals "under the bus' holds his own "night of the long knives" and becomes an American nationalist..and stranger things have happened in American political history, Nixon did go to China, Mr. Obama may become a good or even great president.


Monday, August 24, 2009

The war in Afghanistan..when are we going to learn???

The war in Afghanistan..when are we going to learn???

Well, it seems that the war is heating up.

More troops and money are needed.

Europe as a whole is of little help and the Taliban is back.

You know I seem to recall a story.

When the Northern Alliance defeated the Taliban back in 2003, they had the habit of killing captured Taliban.

Well, the Brits and Americans in our superior moral wisdom made them stop.

One old fella was reported to have tried to explain. "These are the Taliban, if we don't kill them now, they will be back in 5 years killing us."

Of course, we would not listen, what the heck, did a mob of Afghans Know?

They had never been to the best schools or had no degrees.

It may have been their land BUT we had studied it at the best schools.

Looks like that ole hillman was right.

Gee he actually understood his own country better then we did.

Now the kids are going to pay the butcher bill.


Monday, August 17, 2009

"Racer" is a karl word. It means a pol who uses race as a means to gain power.

To a racer EVERYTHING is about race, or the power that can be gained by exploiting the weakling's white guilt.

"Racer" is a karl word. It means a pol who uses race as a means to gain power.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

The enduring social war

The civil war , perhaps, I should say, social war that started in the 60's between the left and the right is still being waged and we still HATE each other.

I suspect it will rage till the "Boomers" are gone.

Perhaps the kids or grand-kids whose, souls are not touched with fire, if I may misquote Holmes, can make peace and unify.

There is precedent: The era of Good Feeling following 1812 and to some degree the reuniting of the nation although with lingering bad feeling, some still here.after the Civil War.


Friday, August 14, 2009

America is the New Promised Land

As I see it America is the New Promised Land and Americans God's True Chosen People.

We owe nothing to the Israelis but they on the other hand owe their national life to us.

I don't fault them for putting the interests of their nation first but I do, as a nationalist and in justice, claim the right for America to do the same.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reagan on health care...the foot in the door.

Reagan on health care...the foot in the door.

I am sending more E-mails in the morning.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Free health care is coming and a lot more.

Fellas.Free health care is coming and a lot more.
I know the "liberal" members my generation the " lefty Boomers" WILL get their "Needs" met.
Free Health care
Free college for the kids
Guaranteed lifetime employment "at a meaningful job"
3 day work week
Vacation with pay to free resorts 4 times a year.
Free utilities
Pay for it?

Pay for it?
Tax "the Man" (the rich running dog of the warmongering Wall St plutocrats.)

Spend on people NOT Bombs!!!!Just wishing WILL make it so!!!!!!
Power and a good life to the people.

P.S. "The Man" is anyone making more than you. : )

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The (*&^&*((())) closed my rifle range

Fellas. I have been going to the Inland Fish and Game range for over 20 years.

During the last wave of "Improvement" developers built a school and home developments, in what had been desert.

"Can't have people shooting, the noise..the Guns...the environment..the children"


The __)(*&^ tried to close us a few years ago and failed ...but money talks

We got the Axe.

There is another range back in the hills but the only good one left is at Prado 2 hours away!!!!!!!!!

That is it for me, the value of the house dropped from 325 to 150...Two years and I am heading South.

I will be the guy at the range saying " y'all come back" a Brooklyn accent.

This was once a good state and compared to New York, freedom hall, now..I may as well be back in Manhattan.

At least the Pizza and bread was good and there were lots of book stores and museums.

Without a range this place is a wasteland.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The basic problem with universal suffrage

The basic problem with universal suffrage is that sooner or later the people learn that they can VOTE for goodies (programs) from the public purse and get them.

Look at the history of Athens or Rome.

Human nature being what it is, the practice sooner or later kills the body politic.
That is why our Constitution forbade income tax and the states required that one own property or pay a poll tax to vote.( Poll tax had nothing to do with race, despite what soon newer "Social Studies" books say)

The federal government, you see, ran itself, on import duties, the sale of public lands, or to a small degree bonds. In the states tax was based mostly on land owner ship.

So the idea was, if only land owners would be taxed only landowners should vote on tax.

Once the "progressives' reformed that the nation was in deep trouble.

As the Romans learned to their cost, once that illness affects the state, it may be contained, but it is never cured.

Still, there was a time when our fathers would have struck a person offering them a "handout".

Our generation believed that it was cool to "rip off the system" You see what our nation has sunk to??

Without that pride.. the pride of the freeman, we all line up with out hands out and so falls the republic.

Wonder who our Ceaser will be???

Monday, August 3, 2009

Music to march to

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tears from Torquemada.

Race is both Mr. Obama's sword and shield.

To all "right" thinking liberals the worst crime at this point in time is "intolerance" .
Even NAMBLA is defended!!!!!!!

But be seen as "Intolerant" and you are a monster, the sort that pushed people into ovens.

Anyone under 30 has been told this since they were born by Hollywood, TV and school.

They don't KNOW anything else..ANY OTHER view is SINFUL/ hate mongering.

There is little or NO freedom of speech in school from k to grad.
Write a paper about Hitler's fine war record in WW l and see how fast you fail the class.
Hell, defend the old proud principle of majority rule and you will be not asked but told to leave.
The folks, sadly having to show you the door, will truly be upset, to see such a "fine mind" twisted by bigotry and wasted.

Tears from Torquemada.

Whites have reached the point where they seek to be seen as black or red or brown, Mexican, Japanese..anything but white and American.

WHY do you thinK that is??????????????????????????????
Because white Americans are portrayed as evil, weak, sad, stupid losers and the kids, naturalLY want to be on the winning side.

It is going to take a "Great Awakening" or a major blunder by Mr. Obama to set things right.

So until Leftists programs start hitting people in the wallet, he is Golden and even then, he will be given a lot more leeway than anyone else.

Unless, oh, horrors, Mr. Obama should have his moment of awakening and become an American Nationalist.

Then would the elite and media turn on him.

Because you see "Race" is a game, a scam being run on the soft hearted by the left.

Think I am wrong?
See just how fast a Keyes or Thomas gets torn to the "tolerant" set.

The goal is: Undermine American values, bore away from within, then watch the structure fall and re-build the "just society" with, of course, the "Best people" at the helm.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gen. Giap lets the liberal rat out of the bag.

General Vo Nguyen Giap. General Giap was a brilliant, highly respected leader of the North Vietnam military

The following quote is from his memoirs currently found in the Vietnam war memorial in Hanoi: "What we still don't understand is why you Americans stopped the bombing of Hanoi. You had us on the ropes.

If you had pressed us a little harder, just for another day or two, we were ready to surrender!

It was the same at the battles of TET. You defeated us!

We knew it, and we thought you knew it.

But we were elated to notice your media was definitely helping us.

They were causing more disruption in America than we could in the battlefields.

We were ready to surrender. You had won!"

General Giap has published his memoirs and confirmed what most Americans knew.

The Vietnam war was not lost in Vietnam -- it was lost at home.

The exact same slippery slope, sponsored by the US media, is currently well underway. It exposes the enormous power of a Biased Media to cut out the heart and will of the American public. A truism worthy of note: ....

Do not fear the enemy, for they can take only your life. Fear the media far more, for they will destroy your honour.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Having Japan rearm to clean up Korea!!!!!

The Japanese are still Japanese.

The Banzai is sleeping but they can and would be happy to wake it up.

I do not want to see a nuclear Japan...they have a LONG memory and some feel that they owe us two.

That is sorta like hiring some young Marines to keep an eye on your precocious 18 year old cheerleader doughtier, because you are worried that she may go out with the boys from the local fraternity while she is home along and the family is on vacation and giving them the key to the liqueur cabinet so they can dust the bottles!!!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

No one to blame but our self

Unless you can restore the family structure of the west and convince Europeans and Americans to start having 4 or more kids, you had best HOPE that the third world types CAN be converted to our ideals or stand by for Ragnarök.

Say that the Europeans drive out all the Islamics, as the English drove out the Jews in the middle ages, so what?

In a generation or three, they will be back and unless we return to large families and our warrior traditions, how will we keep them out?

By that time, they will be better armed.

How many would want the wife to stay home have 6 kids, knowing the change in lifestyle that would require?

Think about it.


Monday, April 6, 2009

I found this on the net:

"Socialism on the college campus!!!
An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a singlestudent before but had, once, failed an entire class.
That class hadinsisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no onewould be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said "ok..., we will have an experiment in this class on socialism". "
All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so noone would fail and no one would receive an A".
After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.
The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.
But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little..
The second test average was a D!
No one was happy.When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F.
The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted inhard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.
Allfailed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism
would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort tosucceed is great; but when government takes all the reward away; no one will try or want to succeed.Could not be any simpler than that...."


Sunday, March 29, 2009

War with China???

War with China ...that would be interesting.

Now we could win. If we waged war, but do we do that any more?

Do we even accept the CONCEPT of winning a war anymore???

I, somehow, don't think that the concept of avoiding unreasonable force is big on the Chinese army least the Tibetans think so.

What would Japan do?

Rearm I think, remember that this is a re-do of the 30"s for Japan as well and best case have a go at China.Nightmare for us with China against us.

Question is does China fear the USA..

No, I don't think they do.

The leaders in China have a problem.

For the first time in history the common Chinaman has had a bit of the "good life": enough food..a job..a few goodies and they won't go back with out a revolution and the leaders know that.

I am sure that some of them see this whole "financial crisis" as a plot to destroy them by ruining their economics.

The party MUST fight or go economically forward to stay in power.

If as the Obama crowd claimed"our army is broken" fighting two small wars in the Mideast..How, the Chinese must be thinking, are the "long-noses" going to deal with a billion well armed Chinese?

I think that Obama will "deal" that is "Appease" China whether that will be good or bad in the long run I don't know.


P.S. Just to make it clear, I don't think that our Armed Forces are broken.

My Marines, given a free hand, could burn Peking and reduce China to a laundry good only for washing our skivves...but I am not the CIC..Mr. Obama is.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time change our shorts, dry our eyes, turn off Dr. Phil and get to work:

Time change our shorts, dry our eyes, turn off Dr. Phil and get to work:
A. Close the borders.
B. Put tariffs in place.
C. Bring our troops home and let Europe and Asia defend themselves.
D. Dismantle the federal reserve system.E. Repeal ALL gun control laws
F. Leave the UN
G. Drill our own oil and tell the Opec to bugger off.
H. Fill in the blankskarl

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I don't like Hill, but...

Re: Hillary shows her true colors: Activists 'shocked' at Clinton stance on China

If you are not going to fight and conquer and plunder as did Rome, and the West does not seem to have the heart for that anymore, you have got to negotiate and deal.

I don't like Hill but she is a realist.

Knowing that we will not force China to our will, she seeks to bargain with them.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Willful blindness

Re: British Muslims Supplying Tali ban With Electronic Devices For Roadside Bombs

The Moor has told us, has made every effort to tell us, that jihad is a religious duty.

Indeed, the duty MOST pleasing to Allah and the one sure path to Paradise.

So why in the world are the Brits surprised when the Moor does what he has told you he is going to do?

1800 years of history attest to the validity of his word in this.

Muslims MUST convert Christians, peacefully if they must, by war, if they can.

What can be plainer??????Every part sent, word published, every buck mailed, every action that aids in the jihad IS pleasing to Allah.

Only the blindness, induced by the lack of manhood, to see the moor as he is, and he plainly TELLS you that he is, prevent our waging total war against him.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The new "safe guns"

New gun control.

Don't kid yourself."making guns in this country childproof" is code for making guns that are so expensive that only the elite will be able to buy them.

Now, the old cheap "unsafe guns" will of course have to be handed in and once that is done and you have passed the Federal background check, you are of course free to buy that $15000 pistol or rifle that is "keyed" to your print alone.

Can't afford it?? Well, save your money.

The court said you have the right to own arms, just as you have the right to own a jet plane.

The question is, can you afford it????

Dem's will act now while they still have the political tide of the victory to push any thing they want in Congress.

Guns have been on their "to-do" list for 40 years.

All you fellas that did not vote or voted third party, Obama owes you a "thank-you" note for his new job.

Assuming that we get another chance in 2012 remember this.

I fell for that third party line once myself in 92 with Ross, We cannot let it happen again.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Enough with the politeness

I fella whose views I disagree with left a site I hang out on.
In his last post he called us racist fools.

You know ,at first, I did the polite thing.

"Sorry to see you go" " respect your views"..etc..

But that was a lot of crap.

This year I tell it like it is.

The man was a liberal or commie and is now back at "move on" .dot org or what ever liberal commie site he belongs to.

There is evil in this world and people who have views that are evil and it is just as evil to make a polite face and be gracious.

No..more.. more Mr. Manners.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Let them come in arms.

I can "turn it around " ( the economy, that is ) in 30 seconds..

Tariffs of 50% on the importation of ANY product that still can be made in America.

A program of "protectionism" to encourage the rebuilding of American industry.

A return to AMERICAN nationalism.

Closed borders and deportation of all illegals until Americans are fully employed.

Allowing folks to come into the USA ONLY with a sponsor and fining any firm or SOB that violates that law.

Men to be paid enough so that mothers can stay home and educate the young in American Christian values.

That should get it done.

Now I have been told that this cannot be allowed ..

"the world wont have it" .."China would be mad"..

The world would take our nation and split it up for nonpayment of debts.

To hell with them I say..

if any nation wants to come here to "Collect"...

let them come in arms.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Obama is a creation of the left

Who put Obama into power?
I am starting to hear that "WE. the right put Obama into power."
That it was like everything else..except our victories," Bush's fault"

Or perhaps.."Where have we sinned?" attitude on the right

Let's not get into any more "guilt trips" here.

Bush was the target of the Left from day one.

Yes, being human he made mistakes, but the media made mole hills in to mountains and we all know it.

Obama for good or ill is a creation of the left and the Dem's and it was THE LEFT and the Dem's who put him in power.

So if you wanna know who put Obama in power ..eyes left..thank the liberals.
