Wednesday, November 3, 2010

OK so we what???

Now what?

We have the power to block any new programs by the progressives but we lack the power to repeal, Mr. Obama would veto that.
So what can we do?
Well we could "go along to get along" reach across in the hope of reason and compromise and it would be good to do so IF it can be done with honor.
If the left is willing to:
Reduce the size of Government
close the border
leave the UN
Leave NATO
Pass new tariffs
wage no wars except for the national honor and wage those with our full might and for total victory.

We could support a program that issued a green card to those who:
Have not committed any crimes and have a job.
But that employer would have to pay them the lawful wage and benefits.
We could support a jobs program that built something useful that is how we got the TVA under FDR.
We could support a national sales tax with a limit of 5% with no loop holes in place of the Income Tax.

But ANY program that or project that violates our core values must be rejected.
We did not win the election only to replace Dem progressives with GOP Progressives.


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