Saturday, November 6, 2010

Well, here we are

The election is over and the GOP seems to have carried the day.
Now we shall see. While I trust the GOP a bit more then the Dems, I cannot help but recall Little Mac and the Rinos.
Once again the Left is singing that "we gotta work together song" funny last week it was "We won so play by our rules or get to the back of the bus.
Still the folks we have to watch most are the rinos.
"The go along to get along" types are still out there and many were reelected.

I don't think that the left CAN change as they, the progressives, are SURE that they are right, sorta like Wilson in 1920.

If the GOP wants to get relected in 12, they had best hold the line.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Glenn Beck

there can be no question the the man of the hour is Glenn Beck.
Mr Beck has done more to educate the American people and rouse then to action than any man in the past 50 years.

I don't always agree with him but he has done a noble service to the American people this election.


Cali..where goest thou?

I am not one of those that hate Cali.
The weather is good and the people are on the whole kind.
The gun laws are a lot better than NYC, the place I came from.
Cali gave me the chance to earn a home and a job as a history teacher.

So on the whole I like the state..but why does it have to keep electing such nuts to office???

Brown and Boxer...gad

We we never wake up??

The state is going to the dogs...people are losing their homes..spainish is becoming the state lanquage and still we elect liberals???

What is going on????

OK so we what???

Now what?

We have the power to block any new programs by the progressives but we lack the power to repeal, Mr. Obama would veto that.
So what can we do?
Well we could "go along to get along" reach across in the hope of reason and compromise and it would be good to do so IF it can be done with honor.
If the left is willing to:
Reduce the size of Government
close the border
leave the UN
Leave NATO
Pass new tariffs
wage no wars except for the national honor and wage those with our full might and for total victory.

We could support a program that issued a green card to those who:
Have not committed any crimes and have a job.
But that employer would have to pay them the lawful wage and benefits.
We could support a jobs program that built something useful that is how we got the TVA under FDR.
We could support a national sales tax with a limit of 5% with no loop holes in place of the Income Tax.

But ANY program that or project that violates our core values must be rejected.
We did not win the election only to replace Dem progressives with GOP Progressives.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am back


I am happy that we won but keep in mind that the left has till Jan to pass any dam thing they please and since we wont control 2/3 of the congress we cannot override a veto and thus Mr. Obama can prevent a repeal of his projects.

So yes this is good but it is but the start.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well, have fun while you can, dear Euro-progressives:

Europe did not give Mr. Obama the games.
In some circles that may have seemed "racist" can't have that.
So in order to prove, once again, their superiority to "cowboy" racist, nationalist, Americans.
they recognize Mr. Obama, Personally, with the Nobel.

Well, have fun while you can, dear Euro-progressives:

The Bear is back and starting to hunt,
Our German friends starting to renounce "guilt" and tell the EU that Germany is an Independent state.

Your populations are getting older and the welfare state is getting a tad espenxive...even with all the money you save by hiding behind America's shield.

The Moors are having a lot of babies....

Next time you call...leave a massage..



At one point Europe had huge navies and 100's of Divisions and ten's of thousands of guns, tanks, and planes at the cost of Billions

The promise of American Defense allowed Europe to shift those billions to pay for the Welfare state.

If we stay home and pursue the policy of Washington, things should get real interesting in Europe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The world has gone mad.


The world is mad.

The Army got in a firefight and lost 4 guys and the "WHOLE" Strategy of the war has to be reconfigured?????????

The Army beat back a attack by 200 Tali ban, so instead of giving the troops some beer a "well done" and some R&R.

we need a Dr. Phil moment??????

The only mistake I read in that "report" was allowing the locals to have ANY say in where the troops set up and dug in.

Aside from that..

This is war and people do get killed..either accept that and put in enough massive force to win or go home.
