Saturday, September 19, 2009

Now the UN reports that we are gonna die of swine flu.

That is, if the raising ocean levels don't get us

or global warming.

2012 may do us in or bad food

A rock from space may seal our fate

The banks may fail and doom us all

aids is on the rise, still must not the old bath house.

terrorists may bomb us, memo: no profiling please.

the "bad" air make make us sneeze


ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be very afraid

I,for one,am tried of this and the fear mongers can kiss my hairy azz.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Truth IS what the STATE tells you it is..any questions???

Karl raising his hand: "Please sir, I have a question?"
Teacher Rangle: " Yes, young karl?"
Karl: "Teacher as I understand it only white people can be racist?"
Teacher Rangle: "Very true, young Karl, Since racism is defined as the misuse of power and only whites have power only whites can be racist".
Karl: "Well sir, Alan Keyes is opposed to Obamacare and Mr.Keyes is black so how can he be a "racist"?
Teacher Rangle:"Poor folks like that have been so confused by "the Man" that they have a white mind and so can be racist".
Karl: "Please sir, if a white person supports Mr. Obama can he have a "black mind" and not be racist??
Teacher Rangle: "Yes my boy".
Karl: "Sir, then who decides right from wrong? or black from white"?
Teacher Rangle: "Why the state my boy who else?"

TIME from the "Twilight zone".

All of the well washed students are sitting in rows...sound of singing and marching from the school yard..

Herr Teacher?
Ya..Young Karl? "Sir, Willie Goldberb is absent from school, shall we make a "get well card" for him"?
Teacher; "Nine. Young Karl. The Goldberbs have been "sent for" as foes of the state".
Herr Teacher, "Pease Herr Teacher, are not foes of the state, people who hate the state"?
Teacher: "That is so young karl".
Karl: "but sir, Willie's Vater won the Iron Cross and never left the front for four years in the World War, how can he hate the state"?
Teacher: "Hating the state depends not on what one does but on WHY one does it."
Young Karl: "So a person who never went to the front may be MORE loyal to the state than a traitor who did"?
Teacher: "Very good young karl".
Karl: "Please sir. who decides if a person is loyal to the state or not or not'?
Teacher: "Why the state of course, young karl".

Same old song just difference lyrics.



Van Jones Just Stepped Down!!


I agree, Mr. Johnson will still be paid but from another account.
But the important point as I see it, is that is is getting harder for a pol to hide behind race and that is a good thing.

The issue is not Mr.Obama, he is but, they hope, the radicals poster boy who got them the White House and some seats in Congress, what matters to the left is the "program" and the more the American people find out about the "program" the harder it is to pass because many in the Congress KNOW that supporting the "program" will cost them their seat in 2010.
While many of the hard core radicals are willing even eager for martyrdom most of the Dems in congress are not and the American people are putting a lot of heat on them.
In short as long as Mr. Obama is seen as useful the radical left will support him, but if he cannot deliver...
He would be far safer going to dinner at Newt's house than Nancy's.

Now IF Mr. Obama throws the radicals "under the bus' holds his own "night of the long knives" and becomes an American nationalist..and stranger things have happened in American political history, Nixon did go to China, Mr. Obama may become a good or even great president.
