War with China ...that would be interesting.
Now we could win. If we waged war, but do we do that any more?
Do we even accept the CONCEPT of winning a war anymore???
I, somehow, don't think that the concept of avoiding unreasonable force is big on the Chinese army agenda...at least the Tibetans think so.
What would Japan do?
Rearm I think, remember that this is a re-do of the 30"s for Japan as well and best case have a go at China.Nightmare for us ...ally with China against us.
Question is does China fear the USA..
No, I don't think they do.
The leaders in China have a problem.
For the first time in history the common Chinaman has had a bit of the "good life": enough food..a job..a few goodies and they won't go back with out a revolution and the leaders know that.
I am sure that some of them see this whole "financial crisis" as a plot to destroy them by ruining their economics.
The party MUST fight or go economically forward to stay in power.
If as the Obama crowd claimed"our army is broken" fighting two small wars in the Mideast..How, the Chinese must be thinking, are the "long-noses" going to deal with a billion well armed Chinese?
I think that Obama will "deal" that is "Appease" China whether that will be good or bad in the long run I don't know.
P.S. Just to make it clear, I don't think that our Armed Forces are broken.
My Marines, given a free hand, could burn Peking and reduce China to a laundry good only for washing our skivves...but I am not the CIC..Mr. Obama is.
AM signing off
9 years ago