Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Elections

I recall watching Bush the elder and Bill Clinton on TV together and it was all "hail fellow well met".

It got me to thinking.

Now if you said the things about me or I of you that those politicians said of each other, it would be "pistols at dawn, sir".

Yet. as soon as the elections are over, it is "see you at the club old fella" with pols.

I am starting to wonder:

Is the whole political system a game that the political patricians play for kicks?

I know they seem to take it seriously, but folks take Football seriously as well!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Public Thank You to all the troops.

People have a short memory and that may be a good thing in some cases.

If we recalled all the girls who said " no".

We would never have found the one who said "yes" when we asked her out for coffee.

If we recalled all the close calls on the road, we would never drive.

BUT ....if we forgot that hot water burns or the red light means "stop" we would have a very short life.

It has been 7 years since 9/ 11.

The yellow ribbons are gone and the left is back with a roar.

Yet, as we just saw in India, the murderous Islamic maggots are still out there.

Folks, the only reason ..the ONLY reason.. those sobs and not carrying jihad to a mall or school or hotel near YOU is some grunt with a rifle keeping them at bay.

To all the folks on watch tonight.



Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We had best return to the ways of our fathers.

The people were SOLD on the idea that the government should pay for them by evil people, using the weakness of men as a means to power.

Our fathers would NEVER have taken money with out working for it.

The work may have been shoveling s^%T, but they would have worked and hit any man who said different.

Back in 1970 there was a welfare office by the collage I was going to and I recall the "caseworkers", out in the street, like fellas in Oceanside pushing cheap jewelry, talking students into the office " to get their money".

Something changed in this nation in the 60s and not for the better.

We had best change it back.
